Monday, December 10, 2012

School on Saturday.

           As well as teaching my Year 2 class during the week I have also been helping out at ‘Saturday School’.  Saturday School is a chance for children who go to the local schools to come to English lessons and take part in some activities that are provided for them by some of the staff.

Each week there can be up to 100 children from year 6 age upwards turn up at the school gates. They have an hour of lessons then they enjoy an hour of activities such as football, basketball and swimming using the facilities at school.
 Once a month we open up the opportunity to younger primary aged children. This term I have been helping out in the English lessons for the primary children. They are so different to the children I teach during the week. Very eager but much quieter! It has been wonderful to give the local children the chance to improve their English and give them opportunities that they wouldn’t normally get.

 Many of the children walk a long way to get to Saturday School but when you see there excited faces as they are told it is their turn to go in the swimming pool you understand why.  After they have grabbed a swimming costume there is no stopping them jumping in. They love the hot showers they can have at the end too.

Last week we had a special Christmas week.  After the normal English lessons they all enjoyed watching the dress rehearsal of the school production of West Side Story. While they were watching the show some of the older children from Isamillo school and some of the teachers prepared a feast for 140 hungry children. There was a lot of plates of food and lots of happy smiling faces.
This is our school hall where they performed West Side Story.
I dished out a lot of spoonfuls of rice!
They were big fans of the ketchup.

The grins got even bigger as they received a Christmas present on their way out. 

I can't believe that I have been here a whole term, it has gone so quickly. I have now finished for Christmas. 
Bring on a month of no getting up in the dark, lots of sunshine and getting to see Mum and Dad! Yipee!